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LakeMat ProÂź

Weeds won’t grow with it!!!

LakeMat ProÂź

Weeds won’t grow with it!!!




Size 12' x 24'

LakeMat ProÂź gives you a clean, clear, natural lake bottom to enjoy. The Lakemat eliminates weeds on a firm lake bottom. For a soft mucky lake bottom use Muckmats.

A simple idea. A remarkable product.

The simple part — LakeMat prevents your lake weeds from growing. It’s basic science. No sun = no weeds. You’ll also stop new seeds from sprouting. Pretty simple concept

The remarkable part — How it’s done comes from years of research and testing — creating a superior design and using exclusive, premium materials — making LakeMat the most effective weed control product you can buy.

It’s easy, quick, and guaranteed — 100% effective.

LakeMats are large, framed mats designed to eliminate aquatic weeds in lakes, rivers, ponds and seas and create a lovely weed-free area

In-water, framed mat for aquatic weed control

LakeMat eradicates all your unwanted lake weeds naturally.

No chemicals. No raking. No kidding!

LakeMat controls weeds in lakes effectively

Eliminate all your unwanted aquatic weeds.

controls weeds in lakes, rivers and ponds

The most effective form of weed control

install lakemat in less than 20 minutes

Quick, easy, 20-minute assembly

lakemats are an eco friendly alternative to killing lake weeds

Green & Guaranteed - 100% effective!

Weeds won’t grow — with LakeMat!

LakeMatÂź gives you a clean, clear, natural lake bottom to enjoy.

It’s easy, quick, guaranteed 100% effective, and safe for people, pets, fish & wildlife.

LakeMat underwater kill seaweeds

The concept is simple:

Without light, plants can’t survive. No sun = no weeds.

Blocking sunlight to prevent plants from growing isn’t new — but the way LakeMat¼ does it is so revolutionary, it’s patented.

LakeMat kills lily pads before and after

Everything you need is included

No need for any extra stuff, (like rebar or bags of sand). You get your LakeMat and frame — we even include plastic stakes.

LakeMat underwater kill seaweeds

The quickest, easiest solution you’ll ever see

Once covered by a LakeMat, weeds decay within four weeks and won’t return all year. It also prevents new growth.

Assembly takes about 20 minutes (we do it in 5!). Just place it over your weeds—no need to clear them unless you want a final workout.

LakeMat underwater close up kill off hard to kill weeds

LakeMat¼ — Proven 100% effective eliminating lake weeds

  • Leave other areas natural for fish, frogs and turtles.
  • Safe — No chemicals, won’t harm the environment
  • Leave it in year round if you want
  • Guaranteed to work — Because it always does!
  • Made in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA! (and Barcelona, Spain for Europe).

arial view of size of lakemats on lakefront

Much more effective than chemicals

Maybe you’ve tried aquatic herbicides — they don’t get all the weeds, do they?

Lake management professionals will tell you the best they can expect is about 70% weed-kil

LakeMat underwater kill seaweeds

and far more cost effective, too.

LakeMat¼ is also much more cost effective than buying chemicals every year. For the average cost of one season’s worth of aquatic herbicides, LakeMats keep you weed-free, for years to come.

LakeMat kills lily pads before and after

The more you’re raking — the more weeds you’re making

The more you rake, cut, or pull, the more weeds you’ll get!

Lake weeds spread by seeds and fragmentation, meaning raking creates thousands of new plants. That’s why they grow back thicker. LakeMats simply rest on the bottom, letting nature do the work for you.

LakeMat underwater kill seaweeds

LakeMats last a long, long time

Tested to last up to 50 years and we guarantee for three!

LakeMat benefits over raking weeds in lake



United Kingdom

LakeMat Owner

"After paying yearly for cutting services, I placed a couple of LakeMat down and haven't had to deal (or pay) with weeds again!"




LakeMat Owner

"They work great. I bought three of them last year and they are outstanding. I don’t sink, and the kids and my dogs love it. "

Carla P.



LakeMat Owner

"I was tired of raking weeds, now they’re all gone, even the lilies. That’s why we bought another one."

We created the perfect solution

For controlling all your unwanted lake weeds

LakeMats are designed to kill the toughest of weeds

Revolutionary — Patented Design

Never before has there been such an effective, affordable, solution for weed control at your cottage, riverfront or lakefront home.

(not to mention golf courses, summer camps, ponds and more!)

LakeMats prevent sunlight from getting to lake weeds

How it works = No sunlight, no weed growth

  • Geotextile fabric is stretched on heavy-duty, aluminized-steel frames.
  • The opaque fabric blocks sunlight, eradicating lake weeds.
  • The frame holds LakeMat firmly on the bottom.
LakeMat underwater kill seaweeds

Result No more weeds — no more worries

You have a beautiful, weed-free lake to enjoy all year

A clean, clear, natural lakebed, to fish, swim and play

Top 4 benefits

Eradicates Unwanted Weeds

Enjoy a beautiful, weed-free lake, pond or river.


Safe for fish, wildlife, pets & people — no toxic chemicals.

Works Immediately

Walk on it, play on it as soon as you install it.

Extremely Affordable

Your most cost-effective solution for lake weed control.

LakeMat‹vs. Doing nothing

LakeMat vs. Aquatic Herbicides

LakeMat vs. Raking

Easy & quick Installation

20-minute assembly & installation

What is our LakeMat made of?

LakeMats are large and cover a big area in front of your lake

Fantastic Fabric

We use specialized nonwoven geotextile, fused like felt but incredibly strong and unravel-proof.

Originally designed for roads, it’s nearly indestructible, allowing 90 gallons of water per minute to pass through while blocking 98% of sunlight.

LakeMat's are easy to install and assemble

Fabulous Frames

Our frames are made of cold-rolled, “aluminized-steel,” tubing. Cold-rolled steel is far stronger than regular steel. It’s then bonded to molten aluminum — giving our frames a combination of properties possessed by neither steel nor aluminum alone; both corrosion-resistance and strength.

One of a kind design.

Your frame’s unique, patented design holds the mat fabric taunt and firm on the bottom by “oppositional tension.” Picture two longbows facing in opposite directions, keeping tension on their bowstrings — it’s kinda like that.

Green & Guaranteed


All materials are completely recyclable

No toxic chemicals

Safe for fish, wildlife, people and pets

100% Guaranteed to work!

Because it always works!

No Micro-Plastics

Our Mats contain no micro plastics

The 6 herbicides approved for aquatic weeds ‹(at least for now)

Aquatic herbicides are made to control weeds in lakes, ponds and rivers. In 1976 there were over 500 compounds being sprayed and dumped in our lakes. 

Today, there are just six.*

2,4-D: acts in 5 to 14 days

Used for watermilfoil and broadleafs, but not narrow-leaf plants like hydrilla. 2,4-D was one-half of “Agent Orange,'' the infamous defoliant the U.S. used in the VietNam war.

Diquat acts in 7 days

Diquat is a contact herbicide that kills the portions of plants it contacts, but is not effective on roots. Diquat is implicated in the development of Parkinson’s disease.

Endothall/Hydrothol: acts in 7-14 days

Endothall, also a contact herbicide, kills parts of plants it contacts but isn’t effective on roots and rhizomes. Endothall is also implicated in causing Parkinson’s disease.

Fluridone: acts in 30-90 days

Fluridone is a systemic aquatic herbicide requiring long exposure times, used for both hydrilla and Eurasian watermilfoil. It works best when entire water bodies are treated, but not so much in spot treating. Fluridone appears to be safe for humans “at recommended application rates.”

Glyphosate (Roundup): acts in 7-28 days

Glyphosate isn’t effective on submersed aquatic plants, it’s used on emergent plants like cattails. ‹Glyphosate’s manufacturer, Monsanto (now Bayer) has agreed to pay $11 billion to settle 100,000 Roundup cancer claims — plus $2.25 billion awarded to one Pennsylvania man who developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which he claimed was caused by Roundup. ‹‹There were 4,253 open glyphosate cases in California alone as of March 2024.

Triclopyr: acts in 5-14 days

Triclopyr is used for broadleafs like milfoil but not narrow leaf plants like hydrilla. Triclopyr also appears to be safe for humans at “recommended application rates.”

Some words of our customers

and what they have to say about the LakeMat

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Transform your soft lake-bed into a firm, weed-free bottom you can walk on. The MuckMat is the only lake muck control product that lets you walk over muck — without sinking!


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The LakeMatÂź gives you a clean, clear, natural lake bottom to enjoy. The LakeMatÂź prevents your lake weeds from growing. It's basic science. No sun = no weeds. You'll also stop new seeds from sprouting. Pretty simple concept

Frequently Asked Questions


LakeMat & LilyHammer

Boatlift Mats, DockMat & Kayak Mat

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