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Boatlift Mat

Give your lift a lift!

Boatlift Mat

Give your lift a lift!




Size 14' x 24'

Your lift will never sink in muck again —Guaranteed!

Soft, mucky, lake bottoms cause problems for boat lifts. You probably know this already — it’s why you’re here, looking for a solution.- You’ve come to the right place!

Made of super-strong geotextiles and heavy-duty aluminized steel frames.

You can use Boatlift Mats to hold up the platform section of your dock in soft, mucky bottoms and make the platform stable and firm.

Available for all size hoists, from PWC lifts to Pontoon lifts.

Boatlift Mats are large, framed mats, engineered to stabilize lifts, preventing them from sinking in soft, mucky lake, river, and sea bottoms.

In-water structural support for lifts and aquatic weed control

BoatLift Mat keeps lifts level and prevents them from sinking in muck.

There’s literally nothing like a Boatlift Mat

Boatlift creates a firm lake bottom over muck to hold up boat lifts

Instantly creates a solid base for your lift

The Boatlift Mat keeps boatlifts stable on muck and soft lake bottoms

Keeps your hoist level

Easy boatlift installations

Makes installation & removal much faster & easier

No maintenance required, leave the mat in all year round

Creates a weed-free area around your lift

BoatLift Mat keeps lifts level and prevents them from sinking in muck

Boatlift Mats instantly create solid bases for lifts by using the same soil-stabilizing technology that supports highways all across North America and Europe.

You can even drive you car right onto it!

Nick B.



Newaygo Marine

"“They make my life 100 times easier. Best tool I’ve ever used. Boatlift Mats allow us to sell more lifts on soft bottom lakes. We love ‘em."

Rick D.



Dvorak’s Docks

"Nothing else compares to Boatlift Mats. Boatlift Mats are the best solution for placing lifts on soft, mucky bottoms. And Dock Mats are the best for placing docks, too. "

Don L.



Captain’s Choice Marine

"They feel like you’re walking on concrete. The first time we used one, it was in thigh-deep muck, we sat a 5000 lb. lift, canopy and a 21 foot boat on it - it’s never moved. A 100% success rate with Boatlift Mats, we use ‘em all the time. "

We created the perfect solution

For supporting your boat lift on a soft unstable lake bottom

Boatlift Mat size can handle the largest boatlifts

Revolutionary — Patented Design

Never before has there been an instant, affordable, solution to soft, unstable lake bottoms to support boat lifts

There’s nothing else like it.

Boatlift mat holds up lift in muck

How it works

Boatlift Mats spread the weight of boats and lifts over a large area — kinda like a giant snowshoe.

Boatlift Mat holds up heavy boats with wakeboards and skiis

Result - Your lift stays level and will never sink in muck again

Boatlift Mats support lifts two ways:

Like snowshoes and… popcorn

Imagine a giant snowshoe. Snowshoes spread your weight over a large area. 
So do Boatlift Mats.

Let’s say your boat and lift weigh 4,000 lbs. If the weight is distributed equally, each of the four footpads must support 1,000 lbs. — impossible on mucky lakebeds. No wonder lifts sink, right? 

Now let’s say, you have a large Boatlift Mat, with an area of 200 square feet. Setting 4,000 lbs. on the Boatlift Mat, the weight is dispersed out over 200 square feet. If you do the math, it works out to just 20 lbs per square foot. The “weight distribution” changed from 1,000 lbs to 20 lbs. per square foot! 

The areas closest to the footplates will still bear more weight than the outside edges, but it’s dramatically less. The result is: your lift won’t sink.

Boatlift Mats work like a snow shoe preventing the boatlift from sinking into muck

Popcorn has a secret—its irregular shapes allow it to interlock under pressure. This same principle is the second way a Boatlift Mat supports your lift.

Imagine pressing down on a bowl of popcorn. As kernels interlock, they create resistance, eventually forming a solid base.

Boatlift Mat fabric works the same way. Its weave features tiny pyramid shapes that trap soil particles. As weight is added, the particles interlock, increasing resistance until they form a strong, stable foundation—just like popcorn under pressure.

Boatlift Mat holds particles together in lake bottom

Using Boatlift Mats for other structural support

1. Boatlift Mats for boat launches

Several customers are using Boatlift Mats as boat launches. They work great for both temporary or permanent launches.

To use a Boatlift Mat as a launch, we recommend:

Only back your boat and trailer on a Boatlift Mat, NOT your vehicle. 

Boatlift Mats can hold the weight of most vehicles, but the physics of “torque” (the force that turns tires) is a whole other matter. 

Boatlift Mat help with launching boats in muck

For permanent boat launches

If possible, add two inches of sand or pea stone gravel on top of your Boatlift Mat to disperse weight across the fabric and frame. If you can’t put sand or gravel on it for some reason, use the “horse stall” mats we recommend for temporary launches. 

For temporary boat launches

You won't put sand on a temporary boat launch, mostly because sand weighs 3,000 lbs per yard, and you’d need at least two yards. That’s not really “temporary” for most people. You’ll want to reinforce the area the trailer tires roll with something else. 

Based on our, and our customer’s experiences, we recommend laying “horse stall mats” on top of your Boatlift Mat. They’re 4’x6’x3/4” hard rubber mats, (about $50 each at Tractor Supply). They work great to disperse weight.

Boatlift Mat prevents wheels of trailer from sinking into muck

For temporary launches for small watercraft, see our new Kayak Mat.

2. Building decks on Boatlift Mats

Some creative customers used Boatlift Mats to support big platform decks over the water. They’ve used the Pontoon (24’x14’) or XL Boatlift Mat (19’x14’) sizes to support their decks.

If you have some basic construction skills, a creative spark — and a spare weekend, this is a fun idea. 

Boatlifts help support docks alongside the boatlift

3. Duck blinds

Often, the best places to set duck blinds are where the bottom is soft. We’ve had hunters use PWC Mats (9’x14’) to support (and get out to) their blinds. 

Frankly, we hadn’t thought of this use for our mats, but it sounds like a clever solution. 

Boatlifts are great for structural support in mucky water

What is our Boatlift Mat made of?

Boatlift mats fabric is super tough to handle boatlifts and boats on top of the mat

Super Strong Fabric

Boatlift Mat fabric is High-Performance Geotextile, a tough polypropylene weave that stretches only 4% max. More weight makes it tighter and stronger—eventually feeling like a sidewalk!

With a carbon chain length of 37, it's one of the strongest geotextiles on Earth, designed to support heavy loads for years.

Boatlift Mat frame is extra thick to handle the extra weight of the boatlift and boat

Heavy-duty, “aluminized-steel” Frames

Our frames are 1.25” cold-rolled aluminized-steel tubing—stronger than regular steel and bonded with molten aluminum for corrosion resistance and strength.

Boatlift Mats support up to 10,000 lbs on soft lake bottoms, while Extreme Mats handle even more—tested up to 22,000 lbs!

Boatlift Mats can support up to 15,000 lbs

One of a Kind Design

The frame’s unique, patented design keeps the mat fabric taut and secure on the lake bottom using oppositional tension.

Imagine two longbows facing opposite directions, each pulling against the other to keep their bowstrings tight. This same principle applies to our frame, evenly distributing weight for maximum stability and performance in soft lake bottoms.

Green & Guaranteed


All materials are completely recyclable

No toxic chemicals

Safe for fish, wildlife, people and pets

100% Guaranteed to work!

Because it always works!

100% Recyclable Materials

Some words of our customers

and what they have to say about the LakeMat

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Boatlift Mat

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Your lift will never sink in muck again. Soft, mucky, lake bottoms cause problems for boat lifts. You can use Boatlift Mats to hold up the platform section of your dock in soft, mucky bottoms and make the platform stable and firm.


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Frequently Asked Questions


LakeMat & LilyHammer

Boatlift Mats, DockMat & Kayak Mat

SandMat & SandMat MAX