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Discover our Mats

Our Mat lines

We developed a variety of Mats to make your daily lakey life more pleasant.

Never sink in muck again!

MuckMat instantly creates a firm, weed-free lakebed as soon as it’s installed. Nothing compares to a MuckMat — because there’s literally nothing else like it!


Transform your soft and muddy lake, pond, and river bottom into a FIRM, WEED-FREE bottom you can walk on.

Wade, swim and play without sinking in yucky muck or touching icky weeds - your kids & grandkids will love it!

Our Mats for lake weeds

Weeds won’t grow - with LakeMat Pro!


ELIMINATE YOUR LAKE WEEDS NATURALLY — Our patented, framed fabric blocks the sunlight that aquatic weeds need to grow. Your lake weeds wither and decay - and stay gone all season long.

Boatlift Mat — Give your lift a lift!

Instant & Stable Base to Support Boat Lifts, on mucky lake Bottoms - Keep hoists level — Move lifts in and out much easier & faster.

Boatlift Mat

CREATE AN INSTANT, FIRM, STABLE BASE FOR YOUR LIFT — Keep your lift level and secure, your lift will never sink again. Supports boats on lifts even in deep muck, on lakes, rivers and ponds.

A MAT FOR ANY SIZE LIFT — From PWC lifts to pontoon lifts. From ski boats to cruisers up to 10,000 lbs.. And SlipMats to fit inside most boat slips. See specs for size recommendation.

Transform Your Shore with SandMats

BUILD A BEAUTIFUL SHORE — A SandMat is a great base to begin your beautiful beach!


SandMats are made for a more adorable shore! Create a beautiful sandy beach, where kids can build sand castles and play in the sand all day.

Lay SandMats down and spread your sand on top. It inhibits erosion and weed growth, keeps your sand separated from other soils — and preserves your shoreline. Sand stays cleaner and whiter longer. Enjoy your sandy beach for years to come.

Some words of our customers

and what they have to say about the LakeMat

Frequently Asked Questions


LakeMat & LilyHammer

Boatlift Mats, DockMat & Kayak Mat

SandMat & SandMat MAX

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