Aquatic Herbicide Drawbacks and Why You Should Choose LakeMat

If you need to control large areas of aquatic weeds, using an appropriate aquatic herbicide may be the only reasonable choice that’s currently available.
But, here are some of the issues we have with using them:
- Many aquatic herbicides have swimming, fishing, irrigation, livestock and pet restrictions. Many require no contact, or limited contact with the water body for seven to fourteen days.
- Aquatic herbicide use may have unknown negative impacts to people and animals who use the water. It may also have unknown, long term impact on fish, animals and to the environment.
- Non-targeted plants as well as nuisance plants may be killed.
- Depending on which herbicides are used, it may take up to several weeks to control aquatic weeds.
- It usually takes several treatments during a growing season to control the weeds.
- Rapid-acting aquatic herbicides cause low oxygen conditions to develop as plants decompose. Low oxygen can cause fish kills and create an unhealthy environment in the lake.
- To be most effective, generally aquatic herbicides must be applied to rapidly-growing plants.
- One should know how to use aquatic herbicides to successfully control aquatic weeds and to avoid unwanted impacts.
- Many people today are against using chemicals in water. Remember, whatever you do affects your neighbor’s beach front, too.
- Chemicals only kill, or control, aquatic plants; they do not remove them. As the weeds die and decay, they sink to the bottom creating more sediment (nutrients) for next year’s crop of aquatic weeds.
- And…aquatic herbicides do not handle the mucky lake bottom issue, in fact, they make it worse by creating large masses of dead, decaying weeds that add to the silt and sediment.
The LakeMat®
- Uses no aquatic herbicides
- Is a low cost, 100% effective solution
- Won’t harm fish and other animals
- Creates a weed free beach area in about five minutes (or less)
- Is guaranteed to work!
- Your neighbors won’t mind (unless they’re very weird).
- Targets only the area where you want to control your lake weeds
- Leaves other areas natural and undisturbed
- If you need to control large areas of aquatic weeds, using an appropriate aquatic herbicide may be the only reasonable choice that’s currently available.